Converting units of measurement

The most commonly used units can be converted with the markers on the calculator. The following table shows conversion factors for the most important units.

NM = Nautical Mile (Statuate Mile)
1 NM = 1,852 km = 1,15 SM = 6076 feet
mile = Statuate Mile
1 mile = 1,609 km = 0,87 NM (Nautical Mile) = 5280 feet
m = Metre
1 m = 3,28 feet = 1,09 yd
ft = Feet
1 foot = 0,30 m = 0,33 yd
yd = Yard
1 yd = 0,91 m = 3 feet

kt = Knot
1 kt = 0,51 m/s = 1,852 km/h = 1,15 MPH
MPH = Miles per hour
M PH = 1,609 km/h = 0,87 kt
km/h = Kilometres per hour
1 km/h = 0,540 kt = 0,62 MPH
feet/min = Feet per minute
1 feet/min = 0,018 km/h = 0,005 m/s
m/s = Metres per second
1 m/s = 3,6 km/h = 1,94 kt

1 LITRE= 0,26 US GAL = 0,22 IMP GAL
US GAL = US Gallon
1 US GAL = 0,83 IMP GAL = 3,79 LITRE
IMP GAL = Imperial Gallon
1 IMP GAL = 1,20 US GAL = 4,55 LITRE

kg = Kilogramm
1 kg = 2,2 lb
lb Pound = Pound (Imperial pound)
1 lb = 0,45 kg